Garrett’s Wrecker Service is available to handle minor and major auto repair problems at our shop. Bring your vehicle into our Panama City, Florida location for the highest quality of automotive repair for your car or truck. We can handle routine maintenance such as oil changes, tires, or brakes. Our certified technicians can also service your transmission, engine, battery, timing belt, or heating and cooling system. If you are unaware of the problem, bring your vehicle so we can take a look under the hood, and then give you a fair estimate and quote on the repair that is needed. Trust our licensed mechanics to handle the problem for your right away. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
Air Conditioning Service
Belt Replacement
Heating Repair
Battery Replacement
Brake Service
Electrical Services
Engine Service
Oil Changes
Radiator Service
Steering and Suspension
Tire Service and Repair
2626 W. 23rd Street
Panama City, FL 32405
Phone: 850-763-8700
Business Hours:
Mon – Fri:
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Towing Available 24/7